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 Our Services

1 in 5 adults in america experience a mental illness, however Nearly 60% of adults with a mental illness don’t receive mental health services.

We're here to help.

Scroll Down to See the Services We Offer!

Mental Health Skill Building Services (MHSS)

Mental Health Skill-Building services provide goal-directed training to enable individuals to achieve and maintain community stability and independence. MHSS provides training on  functional skills and appropriate behavior related to the individual’s health and safety; activities of daily living, and use of community resources; assistance with medication management; and monitoring health, nutrition, and physical condition.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services

"Our Place" is a structured day support program that provides services to adults with serious mental illnesses.  We assist individuals in establishing a daily routine, developing social skills and peer supports, as well as developing life skills in order to live independently. Clients help run the day-to-day program, while at the same time, attend activity-based groups led by clinicians, as well as participate in outings in the community.

Representative Payee Services

Representative Payee Services provides financial management assistance to people who have low income, disabilities, those receiving Social Security or Veteran's benefits and are experiencing financial obstacles.

Our Mission

It is the mission of this organization to provide, quality, person-centered services that promote independence, self-worth, stability and the health & safety of the individuals served. HCS values a person-centered approach, empowering and supporting individuals in their own lifestyles, nurturing autonomy and independent living skills. HCS values diversity and encourages choice and participation in decision making. HCS values input from individuals’ and their families, Authorized Representative’s, guardians, staff and the communities in which it operates.


Agency Pillars

Cultural Competency


Evidenced Based

Community Based

Strength Based

Trauma Informed

Recovery Focused


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