Our Services
1 in 5 adults in america experience a mental illness, however Nearly 60% of adults with a mental illness don’t receive mental health services.
We're here to help.
Scroll Down to See the Services We Offer!
Mental Health Skill Building Services (MHSS)
Mental Health Skill-Building services provide goal-directed training to enable individuals to achieve and maintain community stability and independence. MHSS provides training on functional skills and appropriate behavior related to the individual’s health and safety; activities of daily living, and use of community resources; assistance with medication management; and monitoring health, nutrition, and physical condition.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
"Our Place" is a structured day support program that provides services to adults with serious mental illnesses. We assist individuals in establishing a daily routine, developing social skills and peer supports, as well as developing life skills in order to live independently. Clients help run the day-to-day program, while at the same time, attend activity-based groups led by clinicians, as well as participate in outings in the community.